Working Programs
1. Promotion of healthy life styles
1.1. Project: World Heart Day
2. Promotion of health, health education, professional education of experts and
organizing research projects in cooperation with International and European
2.1. Project: Education of Doctors and Population in Prevention of CVD
2.2. Project: Diagnostic-prognosis Center a refer Center for prevention of CVD
3. Providing permanent support of public in conducting actions for prevention of
3.1. Project: The Tribune named "Health" (pre-school institutions, schools,
local communities, TV, press, professional lectures)
4. Joining the Programs of European Union
4.1. "Public Health" - conducting European/National Program
4.2. "Healthy Heart" with the joint Agro European Program
4.3. "Young people" obesity and allergies
5. Conduction of "European recommendations for prevention of CVD" accepted on
the European Congress of Cardiologists, 28.08. 03.09.2003, Vienna.
6. Conduction of European Program organized by the ESC, named ''European Heart
Score'' (info monitoring of all European citizens)
7. Conduction of measures of National Committee for Prevention of CVD
8. Creation of the ''European House'' in order to cooperate the joint Program
''European Health and Heart''.