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Foundation of Health and Heart

Aware of the complexity of assigned goals, Slobodan Cvjetic and Dusko Vulic have founded the Foundation of Health and Heart in 1999 with the European Heart Network as a role model. They have support from The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and large number of health and economy institutions, as well as from the respectable academicians and professors, such as: Acc. Prof. dr Miodrag Ostojic, Acc. Prof. dr Vladimir Kanjuh, Prof. dr Srecko Nedeljkovic and Prof. dr Miodrag Grujic. That resulted in establishing the "National Committee for prevention of cardiovascular disease" and in establishing the National Program and Measures, and in engagement of recognized experts in different fields.

  • In 2000 the Foundation of Health and Heart has become a valid member of the European Heart Network
  • In 2004 the Foundation of Health and Heart has become a valid member of the World Heart Federation and has successfully organized celebrating the World Heart Day (2000/2003)
  • In 2003/2004 the Foundation of Health and Heart has realized the Project "Education of doctors and population for prevention of cardiovascular disease", creating the network of educated doctors by the European Union: Program European Society of Cardiology
  • In 2003/2004 the Foundation of Health and Heart has been chosen by the "European Forum for prevention of cardiovascular disease" to realize the European Program "HEARTSCORE" (information system for defining cardiovascular risk in European population) in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • "Rehabilitation of war victims"(World Program "Help the victims")

In 2004 the Foundation of Health and Heart has organized the following:

  • ''Development Point'' in order to affirm B&H experts and their projects for joining the international education programs
  • ''Doctor and Patient Initiative'' (network of 200 educated doctors in the State Entity Republic of Srpska with 1.3 million patients, for conducting the project ''Education of doctors and population'' the Tribune named ''Health''
  • ''Project Coordinator'' with the assignment to coordinate the work of expert groups from B&H that are involved in joint projects that are realized in the European Union
  • ''ROSCOPS'' system for tracking patients with coronary heart disease
  • "Development Unit" in order to affirm Programs group inside Program "Health 21" (WHO).

© 2004-2009 Foundation of Health and Heart