International Activities
International cooperation is crucial to the work on CVD prevention in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Foundation of Health and Heart has participated in World Heart Day for the last several years. In 2000 the goal of encouraging regular physical activity and recreation was chosen as the particular focus. A project called "Health Path" was promoted especially in the city of Banjaluka. In 2001 the target was schools, where children in primary and secondary school were informed about the importance of changing their lifestyle to prevent CVD. A pamphlet was printed and distributed in all the schools. In 2002 again a pamphlet printed by the World Heart Federation for the occasion was translated and distributed in the school.In 2003 the target was women through family and community.
A World Health Organization (WHO) questionnaire was implemented in 2001 to determine the levels of CVD risk factors in a demonstration area in Banjaluka. This investigation concerned people between the ages of 15 and 64.GUIDELINES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE REFERRING TO THE REALIZATION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES PREVENTION PROGRAMME
On the basis of the up till now implementation of the cardiovascular diseases prevention programme in the Republic of Srpska-B&H as well as the strategic programme of WHO (HEALTH 21) (CINDI) European Union (European health), Joint References of the European committee for coronary diseases prevention, the White book of the World Heart Federation and Osaka declaration past in May 2001 at the IV Conference on healty heart, the National committee for cardiovascular diseases prevention in the Republic of Srpska at the I Annual meeting held in Banjaluka on 30.11.2001. has passed the following Guidelines and Recommendations:
To continue the cooperation with WHO, the European committee for the coronary diseases prevention (the European society of cardiologists, the European society for hypertension, European Atherosclerosis Society, the European Heart network), European health heart initiative, European health forum, World heart federation on further international promotion of the program and the inclusion into the implementation of the world and European programmes.
- Ensure involvement of all relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations capable of influencing the social, economic and political factors of importance for the improvement of heart health through the ministry of health and social protection. In order to ensure continuous coordination of all relevant governmental departments it is necessary that the Ministry of health and social protection initiates the establishment of inter-ministerial coordination (Ministry of finance, Foreign affairs ministry, Ministry for war victims and the veterans affairs and labour, Ministry of trade and tourism, Ministry of agriculture, in order to create conditions for faster implementation of the Programme, its international affirmation, passing of the needed legal measures and ensuring a continuous budget.
- Establish unique monitor system of monitoring patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases in all health institutions according to the proposed methodology.
- Ensure the basic diagnostic and monitoring of cardiovascular disorders and the cardiovascular diseases risk factors (ECG, ambulance blood pressure measurements, SIB, Hol, trig, HDL, LDL) in all institutions for primary health protection in accordance with program of education of medical doctors for family practice.
- Establish the continuous monitoring of changeable factors of risk with all patients with primary health protection through careful anamnesis (particularly smoking, diet, physical activity), physical examination (height, weight, TA) and basic diagnostics (SIB, Hol, trig, HDL) with patients over 20 with obligatory conduct of health-educational measures to stop smoking reduce weight, increase physical activities, to continue monitoring of precursor of arteriosclerosis with school children on the basis of the methodology of Yugoslav study of sclerosis among school children and other similar studies.
- Due to the frequency of changeable factors of risk (smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia) it is recommended to continue work of consultations for hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and breaking of the habit of smoking where diagnostics would be conducted additionally as well as monitoring, treatment and health-educational measures.7. Ensure the proper treatment of registered factors of risk according to the proposed recommendations putting on the Positive list all groups of medicaments that reduce morbidity and mortality caused by cardiovascular diseases.
- Establish a continuous education system for medical doctors in primary health protection within undergraduate and postgraduate study at home faculties and organize seminars at the regional level. Ensure regular presence of our experts at seminars and courses on the prevention field that are organized in the country and abroad, according to the proposed list prepared by the National committee, especially within the European Heart House France.
- Ensure continuous production of Recommendations for monitoring and treatment of cardiovascular diseases of risk factors observing their implementation in health institutions.
- To ensure health-educational activities in schools to promote harmful effects of smoking, alcohol and drugs, the importance of healthy food and regular physical activities in cooperation with the Republic of Srpska Pedagogical Institute.
- We recommend continuous presence in mass media and organizations of rostrum with the title " Health", where the method of finding solutions for all factors that contribute to the appearance of cardiovascular diseases would be discussed, as well as methods for informing the widest public in the Republic of Srpska.
- Ensure constant support to all researches initiated to improve the public health and especially to those referring to the cardiovascular diseases prevention, together with the organization of the "Center for medical researches" of the Republic of Srpska.
- Participate in the implementation of the "World Programmes" in cooperation with their coordinators and be involved in efficient forms of cooperation with individual countries and institutions. Establish cooperation with the world reputable partners and especially with Universities, Institutes, centers for the prevention and rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases, producers of medical equipment and medicaments of importance for the cardiovascular diseases prevention. Establish cooperation with specialized Funds and Foundations in Europe and USA because of financing of priority projects important for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
- Due to the entire programme and the necessity for continuous monitoring of its implementation it is necessary to nominate referral institutions for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases that would be a candidate for the WHO referral center.