
Dr Sci DUŠKO VULIĆ, Direktor


Date and place of birth: 21.04.1960, Banjaluka
Citizenship: Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Marital status: married
Address: Banjaluka, Kralja Alfonsa XIII 43
Telephone: +387 51 241 239, +387 51 309 688
Foreign language: English
Computer skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point


1978-1983 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine MD
1995-1999 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine, Military Medical Academy Postgraduate studies in cardiology
1989-1993 University of Belgrade, Military Medical Academy Belgrade, Specialization in Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Specialist
1996 Military Medical Academy Belgrade, Postgraduate course in echocardiography
1999 International Seminar in epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular disease
2002 European Course in stress-echocardiography


1985-1987 Military Medical Academy Belgrade
1987-2004 Medical Electronics, Center for medical research and public health development, Banjaluka
2000 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine internal Medicine Department, Banjaluka
1988-1990 Center for medical research and primary health care development “Dr Andrija Stampar”
o Organizing and development of Center’s functions
o Development of new Programs and Projects

o Initiation of new diagnostic procedures in primary health care (24 hours electrocardiography (ECG), 24 hours ambulance blood pressure measuring, ultrasound diagnostics)
o Initiation of heart electro stimulating program

1990-1996 Center for medical research, Banjaluka Research Work Coordinator
  • Development and implementation of new Projects in primary health care (family doctor, info-monitoring system of primary health care)
  • Participation in multidisciplinary Projects approved by Italian Government “Computerization of diagnostics and therapy” and “Expert systems for diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease”
  • Education of doctors in use of new technology in primary health care
1996-2004 Center for medical research, Banjaluka Cardiologist
  • Working on: ECG, stress-test, 24 hours ambulance ECG-holter, 24 hours clinical blood pressure measuring, echocardiography
1999-2004 Ministry of Health Republic of Srpska (B&H) National Coordinator for cardiovascular disease prevention
  • Development of National Program for cardiovascular prevention
  • Foundation and organizing the National Committee for cardiovascular disease prevention
  • Conduction of Guidelines and Recommendations of National Committee for cardiovascular disease prevention
1999-2004 Foundation of Health and Heart – Director of the Foundation of Health and Heart
  • founder of the Foundation of Health and Heart
  • organizing international affirmation and joining the World Heart Federation and European Heart Network
  • organizing the Project “Education of doctors and population in the conduction of cardiovascular disease prevention
  • introduction of European Program “Prevention of cardiovascular disease” in B&H
  • organizing the Republic of Srpska Coronary Patients Study (ROSCOPS)
  • participation in Programs “Action against smoking”, “Food and Nutrition”, “Physical activity”, “Women and family health improvement”, “Children and adolescents”
2000-2004 Society of Cardiology Republic of Srpska Secretary General
  • founder of the Society of Cardiology Republic of Srpska

    Member of:

  • European Society of Cardiology’s Workshop in epidemiology and prevention
  • World Heart Federation‘s Workshop in epidemiology and prevention
  • European Society of Atherosclerosis‘s Workshop in epidemiology and prevention
  • Status fellow of European Society of Cardiology
  • European/National Coordinator for implementation of European Program HEARTSCORE in B&H
  • Counselor for biomedical science in European Peace Center and Development of the United Nations University for Peace